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Writer's pictureginarenee

Feeling a little sad, sweetie?💖

Feeling a little sad, sweetie? Finding it kinda hard to breathe?

Oh, baby, I feel you.

But, you don’t want to drag that old sadness, guilt and emotional baggage into the new year, do you?

Oh hell, no.

Here, honey 💖

Rub these points on your chest and breathe more deeply.

Any sadness, guilt or emotional pain that’s been weighing you down this year…??

Let all that sh*t go, honey.

Massage this area gently but firmly, pay extra attention to any spot that feels tender.

The acupoints here benefit the lungs and help you let go of that old, heavy, emotional baggage that's been weighing on your chest, so you can finally breathe again.

MmmHmm ...

And if you’re feeling a little extra, you can anoint this area with a bit of your favorite breathe-easy essential oil, like eucalyptus or maybe soothing lavender from Ancient Wisdom Essential Oils

There 💖 Isn’t that better?

Save this post so you can be reminded to rub these points for some emotional first-aid when you need it most … and maybe you should send it to a friend, too.

Keep following me, honey - I'll give you more sexy self care tools to help you feel healthy and beautiful … so you can rock it like a goddess instead of a hot mess.

And when you are ready for me to help you create the perfect self care rituals to awaken your inner goddess and keep you feeling healthy and beautiful, just reach out.

I'm an acupuncturist, baby - I know all the best points to rub.

Super simple, super freaking sexy

Rock on, sister 🤘🔮

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