Last week, we started taking Wellness Walks.
Today - it's time to strut.
Yeah, Baby.
You've heard me talk about this before. It's my favorite way to immediately elevate self esteem and feel more self assured.
So, now we're gonna give our wellness walks a little EXTRA. It's time to pamper our inner badass and strut.
Because it feels damn good. And that's sexy self care.
Sometimes we have to cultivate our confidence by embodying it. A strut is just our inner badass in motion!
Got 5 minutes?
Today, you're going to give yourself the gift of your own sexy self care, and it's only going to take 5 minutes.
Here's how you're gonna to do it:
Set your timer for 5 minutes. Then, put in your ear buds and play your favorite song with a swift steady beat that matches your walking rhythm .... and makes you feel invincible.
For 5 minutes, you're going to strut.
Stand up a little taller. Pull your abs in and ribcage up, put your shoulders back, lift your chin, swing your hips and walk with confidence. Feel the magnificent power within you. Walk to your own beat. You can't do it wrong! Show me your swagger. Your sexy sashay.
When you walk with confidence, you automatically feel more confident...immediately.
And, it's free. All it takes is your willingness to feel your power.
Strut down the hall, during your morning walk or from the car to your office.
Strut at the mall, on the treadmill, doing errands, cleaning the house or walking the dog.
It's time to move with confidence.
When you feel discouraged, stressed, tired or uninspired - pull your energy up, remember who you are and strut. Yes, strutting is good self care.
This week, try to give yourself 5 minutes of sexy self care most every day. 5 minutes of doing nothing. 5 minutes of getting grounded. 5 minutes to walk it out. Strut. You choose. Make it an intention and do your best. You're worth 5 minutes of your own time.
If you've got 5 minutes, you've got time for sexy self care.
Share with me your favorite strutting song! Here are a few of mine: of course, there's Stayin' Alive by the BeeGees. Lady Marmalade. Uptown Funk with Bruno Mars. Baby Got Back. Bust a Move. Shoop by Salt-n-Pepa for a sexy stroll...... and that's just to name a few;) Now go find yours.
Remember, there's nothing more badass than taking care of yourself.
Got a friend who could use a confidence boost? Or a good giggle?! If she is close by, steal her away and take a 5 minute time-out to strut together!