Having a little trouble getting good, restful sleep these days?
MmmmHmm … Tell me about it.
Honey, a simple, soothing bedtime ritual will change your life.
One of the most significant aspects of my own self care is a gentle morning and evening ritual - because my inner goddess is a super sensitive creature, and I feel best when I book-end my days with a little extra care, quiet and comfort.
Remember, self care should be super simple so we are not tempted to ignore it … and, sexy enough that we look forward to it every single day.
So, here’s what my bedtime ritual looks like. I hope it inspires you to create a super simple, super sexy bedtime ritual of your own:
✨ Unplug from devices
✨ Pick up and put away Millie’s explosion of toys
✨ Anoint myself with a soothing essential oil blend
✨ Step outside, say goodnight to the moon and stars
✨ Turn down the lights
and I save the best for last ...
✨ A nice, deep, slow, sensual stretch
See? Super simple, super sexy 🤘 🧡
Creating a custom morning and bedtime ritual that supports your inner goddess is one of the things I love to do most when we work together one-on-one.
I use the ancient art of face reading and your personal Five Element Energy to shape kickass custom self care rituals that honor what YOU need to feel healthy and beautiful, naturally. So, if you need a little support, just reach out. I got you.
What does your bedtime ritual look like??